Today is April 1st, Easter Monday 2013. However this tale is no joke. Before we get on to more serious matters would you care to join me in some festive fun? Let's play "spot the difference"! To get some images free from clouds I've gone back in time a couple of days into March. Having done that here's a bird's eye view of the Disko Bay area of western Greenland, taken on March 28th 2013:
More on Is The Economist Being Economical With The Truth About Climate Change?
Tags: Albedo, Arctic Amplification, Arctic Sea Ice, Arctic Summit, Arrhenius, Economist, GIS, Greenland, James Annan, James Astill, Jon White, Stefan Rahmstorf
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
You may recall that a couple of weeks ago we showed you some satellite images revealing that the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska had become covered with a vast spider's web of cracks. Then last weekend gaping fissures tens of miles across opened up in the ice cap north of Greenland. Today we take you back to the Beaufort Sea once more, where this is what the latest satellite images reveal:
More on Bigger Cracks Than Ever in the Beaufort Sea Ice
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
I've just stumbled across an exciting new (to me at least) section of the NASA web site. It's called Worldview, and it does what it says on the tin. It's part of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS for short), and it gives you a satellite's view of planet Earth a bit like Google Earth, except that it's updated on a daily basis! To give you some idea of the power of Worldview, and also an insight into why I was wandering the virtual corridors of NASA late last night, here's a "close up" image of Cape Morris Jesup, the most northerly point in Greenland, taken on March 18th 2013:
More on A New World View From NASA
Tags: Arctic Sea Ice, Devon, EOSDIS, Floods, Google, Greenland, Morris Jesup, NASA, Nord, Polynya, Videos, Worldview
Filed under Science by Jim Hunt
Unfortunately my headline this evening is not from a fictional murder mystery written by Agatha Christie. It is from a science documentary. Let me lead you through it, chapter by chapter. If you're sitting comfortably then let us begin, back on February 10th.
More on The Ice Cap Crack'd From Side To Side
Filed under Disasters by Jim Hunt
As I've recently been reporting over on the Arctic Sea Ice Forum, I inadvertently found myself having lunch with the Chinese delegation to the Economist's Arctic Summit in Norway last week. Amongst other things I learned about the voyage of the Chinese research vessel Xue Long (Snow Dragon in English) right across the Arctic Basin last summer:
More on The Strange Tale of The Mail and The Snow Dragon
Tags: Arctic Sea Ice, Arctic Summit, CCC, China, Climate, Daily Mail, David Rose, Economist, Ed Hawkins, James Annan, Myles Allen, NSR, Piers Forster
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
I'm currently engaged in a debate on Twitter with @Cornishview. His avatar doesn't reveal a gender, so I'm guessing here, but it does suggest that he understands the part that coal and the latent heat of vaporisation of water played in the beginning of the industrial revolution down here in not so sunny South West England. Cornishview says over on Twitter that:
More on Arctic Sea Ice is Cracking Under the Strain
Filed under Disasters by Jim Hunt
I was idly reading this week's edition of The Economist magazine over breakfast this morning. As a one time table tennis player with a penhold grip myself, I'd just finished reading their obituary of Zhang Zedong when I noticed an advertisement on the facing page. It seems that on March 12th The Economist will be hosting "The Arctic Summit" at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway. According to The Economist the summit will present "A new vista for trade, energy and the environment" to:
More on What Will The Arctic Resemble in 2050?
Tags: AGW, Al Gore, Arctic Sea Ice, China, Economist, Fram Strait, Huigen Yang, IPCC, Jan-Gunnar Winther, Jennifer Francis, Mao Zedong, Rajendra Pachauri, Richard Nixon, Solar PV, Stefan Rahmstorf, Videos
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
Roland Emmerich's "The Day After Tomorrow" is a BAFTA award winning action/adventure movie in which, according to the Internet Movie Database:
A sudden international storm plunges the planet into a new Ice Age.
A large team of scientists have spent the last four years investigating how close to the truth the movie is, under the auspices of the European Union's "Thermohaline Overturning – at Risk?" project (or THOR for short). The project web site states that their objectives are to:
More on The Day After Tomorrow – Coming Soon?
Tags: AMOC, Arctic, Arctic Sea Ice, Climate, Greenland, Morris Jesup, Nord, Polynya, Stefan Rahmstorf, THC, THOR, Videos
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
It's been raining hard all day here in the Haldon Hills. If you're wondering why that's happening yet again please peruse my recent articles on how climate change causes Arctic sea-ice to disappear, which causes frequent floods here in South West England, which causes unpleasant bugs to go swimming around our beaches. Putting all that together at the present moment, here's how the information available online looks as we speak.
More on Bugs Now on the Beach at Bude and in South Devon
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
The United States' National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC for short) has just issued a press release about the amount of ice in the Arctic at the moment. You may be wondering why on Earth that is relevant to you, but please bear with me as I endeavour to explain, with the help of a few videos. Here's the first one which shows summer 2012 in Sidmouth, a seaside town down here on the not so sunny south coast of Devon:
More on Why Should I Care Where The Arctic Sea Ice Went?
Tags: Arctic Sea Ice, Barack Obama, Climate, David Cameron, Floods, Hot Air, Jet Stream, Julienne Stroeve, Met Office, NASA, NOAA, NSIDC, Peter Wadhams, Videos
Filed under Disasters by Jim Hunt