March 18, 2013

The Strange Tale of The Mail and The Snow Dragon

As I've recently been reporting over on the Arctic Sea Ice Forum, I inadvertently found myself having lunch with the Chinese delegation to the Economist's Arctic Summit in Norway last week. Amongst other things I learned about the voyage of the Chinese research vessel Xue Long (Snow Dragon in English) right across the Arctic Basin last summer:

The summer 2012 voyage of The Snow Dragon, courtesy of the Arctic Portal

The summer 2012 voyage of The Snow Dragon, courtesy of the Arctic Portal

Then over the weekend The Daily Mail published (again?!) an article by David Rose under the strident headline:

The Great Green Con no. 1: The hard proof that finally shows global warming forecasts that are costing you billions were WRONG all along!

Needless to say the following article shows nothing of the sort. Fondly imagining that David and his loyal readership would be interested in learning about some of things I discovered on my recent trip to Oslo I posted a comment on David's article, which included this link to the following image (courtesy of The Arctic Portal once again):

Cross-Arctic Sea Routes. Past, present and future.

Cross-Arctic Sea Routes. Past, present and future.

After a couple of hours I noticed that my learned comments seemed to have fallen foul of the Mail's moderator(s). So too had the most popular comment on the whole story from Mark in Warwickshire, who was complaining by then that:

Mark's message is missing!

Mark's message is missing!

My message was missing too, so I carefully read the Mail Online's "House Rules", which state (amongst other things) that:

We welcome your opinions. We want our readers to see and understand different points of view. Try to contribute to the thread, rather than just stating if you agree or disagree.

I figured that was exactly what I was endeavouring to do, so still somewhat baffled I read on:

You must not insert links to websites (URLs) or submit content which would be an infringement of copyright.

Figuring that I must have crossed on to the wrong side of this particular line I tried again, using the following carefully crafted form of words:

My previous comment seems to have fallen foul of the "house rules" so I'll try again. To discover what I was on about try Googling my username along with "Arctic Summit".

I attended the aforementioned event in Norway last week. If there was a Daily Mail reporter there they kept very quiet about it! Amongst the other matters under discussion the Russians and Chinese were obviously extremely keen on the idea of saving many billions (and hence making many billions!) of dollars by shipping many billions of tonnes of stuff across the Arctic Ocean in the very near future.

[link omitted to avoid offending the house rules]

Whatever the likes of Myles Allen and David Bellamy may have said in various locations at various times the message from the real world in Oslo last week is abundantly clear. Statements such as "No, the world ISN'T getting warmer" are extremely "economical with the truth".

That was over 24 hours ago, but still my wisdom from the East has failed to materialise at its intended destination. Perhaps someone from the Mail Online would be good enough to explain to me where I'm going wrong? Hopefully Mark is now a happy bunny at least, because today his missing message has been miraculously restored to the top spot amongst the currently 709 comments on the Mail's Message:

Mark's missing message is miraculously restored

Mark's missing message is miraculously restored!

Do you suppose one or both of my messages will benefit from a similar miracle in the near future, and who is "conning" who here?

Filed under Climate by

Comments on The Strange Tale of The Mail and The Snow Dragon »

April 14, 2013

Susan Anderson @ 4:14 am


April 18, 2013

Jim Jim @ 3:09 pm

Quite so Susan!

I've also just discovered courtesy of SkepticalScience that the UK's Committee on Climate Change, who provide "Independent, evidence-based advice to the UK Government and Parliament", published their own rebuttal of David Rose's "Great Green Con #1" at the end of March:

We conclude that the approach to global and UK emissions reductions underpinning the Climate Change Act remains appropriate despite the assertions in the article.

Of the four scientists quoted in the Mail article, three (Myles Allen, James Annan and Piers Forster) have since publicly criticised it. The chart used appears to have been copied from the blog of a fifth climate scientist, Ed Hawkins, who has also taken issue with the article’s interpretation of it.

April 22, 2013

Susan Anderson @ 4:06 pm

As far as I understand, James Annan is a focused scientist at a level beyond my ability to follow; he says the amount of warming per doubling has been overstated but afaik it is still enough to give us all a cauld grue (my words, not his; I think it's somewhere close to 2 degrees C). The use that is being made of his work is unconscionable but he appears uninterested in the blogosphere (a good example to us all).

I see I commented on this elsewhere, but wanted you to know I'm still checking your interesting work. Here's the Annan site

but you have to go a ways back to get to the science. There are 3 articles on decadal prediction but the critical one that excited deniers and lukewarmers goes back further than that.

August 14, 2013

Jim Jim @ 1:47 pm

After a long wait for the Northern Sea Route to open up this year, China Daily reports that:

Cosco Shipping, a listed company within China's shipping giant Cosco Group, made its maiden journey on the route with a multipurpose vessel on Thursday.

The ship left Dalian port in Northeast China's Liaoning province and is scheduled to take 33 days to reach Europe. It is the first time a Chinese merchant ship has traveled to Europe via the Arctic Northeast Passage.

The total deadweight tonnage of the multipurpose vessel is 19,461 tons. The ship is expected to arrive in the Bering Strait on Aug 25.

In its own report on the story, the Daily Mail says that:

Shipping firm Cosco Group's vessel the Yong Sheng, a 19,000-tonne freighter, set sail from Dalian, China, on Tuesday bound for Rotterdam, in a bid to complete the country's first ever commercial transit of the Northeast Passage over Russia.

The northerly journey via the Bering Strait, which the changing climate is making possible for longer periods thanks to melting sea ice, is expected to take 35 days – compared with the 48 days it takes to complete the traditional route through the Suez Canel and the Mediterranean Sea.

I wonder what David Rose makes of that?

[…] Dr. Hawkins' blog, commenting on a previous David Rose article in the Mail on Sunday, he says this: David Rose has written an article in the Mail on Sunday which, […]

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