My title today is a quote from John Barrett, who is Professor of Sustainability Research at the University of Leeds. You can listen to him saying those words near the end of this extract from the Paul Hudson Weather Show originally broadcast by BBC Regional Radio across the North of England on May 25th 2014, shortly after John gave a presentation at the Transformational Climate Science conference at the University of Exeter:
More on The Two Degree Target Is Close To Impossible
Tags: BBC, CO2, Exeter, IPCC, Jack Meegan, John Barrett, Leeds, Mat Collins, Met Office, Paul Hudson, Peter Cox, TCS, Videos
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
There's a lot of shopping days left until Christmas comes around again, but nonetheless I've been watching a pantomime. You can watch it too if you like. Here's a video recording of Thursday's United States Committee on Science, Space, and Technology hearing that purportedly examined "The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Process". I don't usually spend my time avidly watching committee meetings on the other side of the Atlantic, but this one was of great interest to me because a fortnight ago I spent a couple of days at Exeter University listening to a long list of scientists expounding about how they took part in the "IPCC process", and their resulting conclusions.
More on The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change
Tags: Barack Obama, Dana Rohrabacher, Daniel Botkin, Growth, IPCC, Lamar Smith, NCA, Peter Cox, Richard Tol, SkS, TCP, Videos
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
The videos from the Transformational Climate Science conference at Exeter University are still not yet available, but on Monday May 19th the Met Office hosted another climate change conference, this time in London. This one was held in conjunction with the Walker Institute at the University of Reading and the Grantham Institute for Climate change at Imperial College London, and was entitled "Climate change – the latest evidence and implications for business". As the title suggests, the audience this time around consisted of businesspeople instead of climate scientists. Some of the speakers from Exeter had headed up to London to speak about all things IPCC for the second time in a week, and those proceedings are already available on video at the Climasphere web site.
More on Climate Change – The Latest Evidence and Implications
Tags: Chris Field, Grantham Institute, IPCC, Jim Skea, Julia Slingo, Met Office, Nigel Arnell, Stephen Belcher, TCS, Temperature, UKCP09, Walker Institute, WG1, WGII, WGIII
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
Last week the University of Exeter hosted a two day conference organised in partnership with the Met Office and the University of Leeds, under the banner of "Transformational Climate Science". According to the conference's "About" page:
More on Transformational Climate Science at Exeter University
Tags: AR5, Catherine Mitchell, Energy Security, Exeter Uni, Greens, IPCC, Leeds Uni, Mitigation, Molly Scott Cato, MOOC, Neil Adger, Peter Gibbs, TCS, Tim Lenton, Videos, WGIII
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
As recent summers go, we've had a cracker. All that's changing now though. I went for a bike ride earlier this evening, and things were reminiscent of this time last year. The roads were covered in soil and stones washed from the fields. The road along the ridge above here had but a narrow piece of tarmac visible above the brown ponds on either side. Here's a picture I took at the top of the hill:
More on Floods Return to South West England
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
In the wake of the IPCC meeting in Stockholm last week we idly wondered:
When will the world's policymakers stop spouting hot air and start taking practical measures to mitigate the inevitable climate change that we all must now face.
The answer seems to be "not just yet", because in the United States the Democrat and Republican parties are still at loggerheads in Congress over "Obamacare", and as a result many "non-essential" services have been shut down, and getting on for a million US government workers have been told to stay at home. Here's a video report from Al Jazeera on the current state of the nation in the land of the free:
More on The US Government Partially Shuts Down
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
After all the hullabaloo in the "popular press" recently, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC for short) have now started issuing information following the meeting in Stockholm this week discussing the contribution of their Working Group I to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 for short). According to the initial press release:
More on IPCC Say "Human Influence on the Climate System is Clear"
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
I was idly reading this week's edition of The Economist magazine over breakfast this morning. As a one time table tennis player with a penhold grip myself, I'd just finished reading their obituary of Zhang Zedong when I noticed an advertisement on the facing page. It seems that on March 12th The Economist will be hosting "The Arctic Summit" at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway. According to The Economist the summit will present "A new vista for trade, energy and the environment" to:
More on What Will The Arctic Resemble in 2050?
Tags: AGW, Al Gore, Arctic Sea Ice, China, Economist, Fram Strait, Huigen Yang, IPCC, Jan-Gunnar Winther, Jennifer Francis, Mao Zedong, Rajendra Pachauri, Richard Nixon, Solar PV, Stefan Rahmstorf, Videos
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt