The original target date for the delegated decision on Solstice Renewables' application to construct a 7.5 MW solar PV park on the Ashcombe Estate was August 29th 2014. However I have just checked the Teignbridge District Council planning web site to see if my own objections to the proposal are visible yet. There I discovered a new letter from the applicant's agent which was posted yesterday, and part of which reads as follows:
More on Ashcombe Solar Farm Planning Deadline Extended
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
According to today's edition of the Western Morning News:
Planning Minister Kris Hopkins has revealed he will not “call in” plans for 45,000 solar panels to be build at Coombeshead Farm, Diptford, South Devon.
More on Floodgates open to solar farm "monstrosities"?
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
At the Teignbridge District Council planning committee meeting held on January 13th Orta Solar's application to construct a 12 MW large scale solar PV park at Rydon Farm between Newton Abbot and Totnes was approved by 17 votes to 2. I had an online debate about some of the issues with Nick Pascoe of Orta last year, when Teignbridge's screening decision was announced. I referred to my opposition to the construction of solar farms on what the planners call "our best and most versatile agricultural land", and some of the objectors in this case used that argument too. Nick assured me that in this case:
More on Rydon Farm Solar Park Approved by Teignbridge DC
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
After what feels like a very long period of deliberation the Planning Inspectorate have dismissed Inazin Solar's appeal against the decision of Teignbridge District Council to refuse planning permission for the Fulford Solar Park at Gold's Cross Hill near Tedburn St. Mary for a second time. Much like the first time around the inspector's report summarises the benefits of the proposal by saying:
More on Tedburn St. Mary Solar PV Farm Appeal Dismissed Again
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
Teignbridge District Council have decided that an Environmental Impact Assessment WILL be required following a request from Green Switch Solutions Ltd. for a screening opinion concerning a proposed 5.5 MW solar PV park on land at Mamhead House. The case officer's letter points out that:
More on EIA Required for Mamhead House Solar PV Park
Filed under Renewables by Jim
As we reported at the end of last month, the South Brent Community Energy Society's "remanufactured" Vestas V27 wind turbine has now been delivered and installed. Here's a time lapse video revealing the steps involved in installing a wind turbine:
More on SBCES Wind Turbine Now Generates Renewable Energy!
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
According to a MeyGen news release this morning:
MeyGen Ltd. has been awarded consent by the Scottish Government for an 86MW tidal energy project, following the completion of the statutory approval process with the regulator Marine Scotland.
More on MeyGen Gets Go Ahead for 86MW Tidal Energy Project
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
Following the unexpected delay that we reported on back in July, the South Brent Community Energy Society's Vestas V27 wind turbine has now been delivered and installed. Here's how it looks at the moment:
More on South Brent Community Wind Turbine Installed At Last
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
Generalising some points initially raised in another conversation, what are the advantages and disadvantages of large scale solar photovoltaic installations on farms in South West England? According to the planning application submitted earlier this month by the developer of one such site the advantages are:
More on The Pros and Cons of South West Solar Farming
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt
Earlier this year Lightsource Renewable Energy withdrew their application to construct a 54 acre, 10.7 MW solar photovoltaic park at Bowhay Farm between Dunchideock and Ide in Devon. However they have now applied for permission to construct a somewhat smaller scheme on the same site. According to the design and access statement that has just appeared on the Teignbridge District Council web site :
More on Lightsource Make Second Application for Bowhay Farm Solar Park
Filed under Renewables by Jim Hunt