
The drinking water crisis

October 23, 2010

Haiti Hit by Cholera Outbreak

Unfortunately it's not unexpected, but the BBC reports today that 196 people have already died in an outbreak of cholera in Haiti:

2,634 people have been hospitalised in the central Artibonite and Central Plateau regions by the illness, which causes diarrhoea, acute fever, vomiting and severe dehydration.

More on Haiti Hit by Cholera Outbreak

Filed under Disasters by

February 17, 2010

Haiti Homeless Demand Shelter

The chart below shows month to month variations in the climate at Port au Prince, the capital of earthquake stricken Haiti.  Look carefully at the dark green "precipitation" graph:

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti Climate graph contributed by climatetemp.info

The month of January when the earthquake hit is the driest of the year. By the time May arrives average rainfall is seven times as much.

More on Haiti Homeless Demand Shelter

Filed under Disasters by

September 25, 2008

An Irony of the Financial Crisis – Action on Poverty Looks Utterly Achievable

Just over a week ago I found myself once again on EasyJet flight EZY6167 heading from Bristol to Amsterdam.  I asked the head of the cabin crew if he knew Dawn, who operated the camera on one of our previous internet videos.  He said he did.  I showed him one of our "Water Connects Us" leaflets, and I asked him if it would be OK if I handed some out to his passengers.  He said that would be fine as long as I didn't get in the way of the cabin crew as they went about their duties.

More on An Irony of the Financial Crisis – Action on Poverty Looks Utterly Achievable

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