The Green Alliance say they are:
A charity and independent think tank focused on ambitious leadership for the environment.
Since 1979, we have been working with a growing network of influential leaders in business, NGOs and politics to stimulate new thinking and dialogue on environmental policy, and increase political action and support for environmental solutions in the UK.
They announced on Valentine's Day 2015 that:
More on Dave, Nick and Ed Pledge to Save the Planet
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
I watched the BBC's coverage of the 2014 European Elections last night until the results for South West England had been announced in Poole. This is how they looked:
Party |
Votes |
% |
MEPs |
change +/- |
More on South West England Elects a Green MEP
Tags: Alex Salmond, BBC, Carbon Brief, Clare Moody, David Dimbleby, Graham Watson, Greens, Molly Scott Cato, Natalie Bennett, Saffron O'Neill, Tristan Pascoe, UKIP
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
The US Navy recently released their new "Arctic Roadmap" for the years 2014 to 2030. According to the Navy's press release:
In the coming decades, as multi-year sea ice in the Arctic Ocean recedes, previously unreachable areas may open for maritime use for a few weeks each year. This opening maritime frontier has important national security implications and impact required future Navy capabilities.
More on US Navy 2014 to 2030 Arctic Roadmap
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
Yesterday afternoon up in Westminster a selection of South West Members of Parliament, together with one or two from further afield, debated the controversial topic of "Planning policy and wind turbines in the South West" led by Geoffrey Cox, the Conservative MP for Torridge and West Devon. Here's a video recording of the proceedings:
More on Westminster Debates South West Wind Farms
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
In the wake of the IPCC meeting in Stockholm last week we idly wondered:
When will the world's policymakers stop spouting hot air and start taking practical measures to mitigate the inevitable climate change that we all must now face.
The answer seems to be "not just yet", because in the United States the Democrat and Republican parties are still at loggerheads in Congress over "Obamacare", and as a result many "non-essential" services have been shut down, and getting on for a million US government workers have been told to stay at home. Here's a video report from Al Jazeera on the current state of the nation in the land of the free:
More on The US Government Partially Shuts Down
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
After last weekend's performance the Mail on Sunday have today hosted yet another edition of the David and Judy show. David Rose's headline for this week reads:
Global warming is just HALF what we said: World's top climate scientists admit computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong.
This new article also refers back to this time last week, saying:
More on The Great White Con Continues
Filed under Politics by Jim
According to the Russian language web site "TV Star" (with the aid of Google Translate, plus a bit of poetic licence on my part):
On the personal order of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu troop ships of the Northern Fleet, led by the cruiser "Peter the Great" are making a trip through the Arctic. They have already passed the Kara Gate – between the islands of Novaya Zemlya and Vaygach. During the trek the crews of the missile cruiser and of the large amphibious ships "Olenegorsky miner" and "Kondopoga" will be improving seamanship and getting trained in rescue operations in the Arctic regions.
The Northern Fleet have just missed a great training opportunity, since according to the Barents Observer they have just sailed strait past the stricken diesel tanker Nordvik, accompanied by no less than four nuclear icebreakers!
More on The Russian Northern Fleet Takes "A Trek" Along the Northern Sea Route
Tags: Arctic, Icebreakers, Nordvik, Northern Fleet, NSR, Peter the Great, Syria, Videos, Viktor Chirkov, Vladimir Korolev, Vladimir Putin
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
It was announced on Twitter earlier today that the UK's Backbench Business Committee has scheduled a debate in Westminster Hall on Thursday July 11th on the topic of large scale solar arrays. Never having heard of the Backbench Business Committee before I rummaged around on the UK Parliament web site and discovered this video, which explains how it works:
More on UK Parliament to Debate Large Scale Solar PV Parks
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
I was idly reading this week's edition of The Economist magazine over breakfast this morning. As a one time table tennis player with a penhold grip myself, I'd just finished reading their obituary of Zhang Zedong when I noticed an advertisement on the facing page. It seems that on March 12th The Economist will be hosting "The Arctic Summit" at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway. According to The Economist the summit will present "A new vista for trade, energy and the environment" to:
More on What Will The Arctic Resemble in 2050?
Tags: AGW, Al Gore, Arctic Sea Ice, China, Economist, Fram Strait, Huigen Yang, IPCC, Jan-Gunnar Winther, Jennifer Francis, Mao Zedong, Rajendra Pachauri, Richard Nixon, Solar PV, Stefan Rahmstorf, Videos
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt
Prompted by a conversation over on Neven's Arctic Sea Ice blog I happened to glance at the Department of Energy and Climate Change's shiny new web site this morning, and discovered evidence strongly suggesting that Ed Davey is suffering from selective schizophrenia.
More on Ed Davey Suffers from Schizophrenia
Filed under Politics by Jim Hunt