July 22, 2012
A Difference of Opinions on the Starcross Solar Park
The mound of virtual paperwork associated with the proposed 23.3 hectare solar PV park at Cofford Farm near Starcross has been gradually accumulating for a couple of weeks now. In their original request for a screening opinion from Teignbridge council Hive Energy suggested that:
It is considered that this application does not require the submission of an environmental statement for the following reasons:
- The development will not be of more than local importance as the scale and nature of the proposals are not considered likely to have more wide-ranging effects;
- The site is not within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area. The site does not lie within any designated areas, the closest being the Grade II* Mamhead Park, and the associated Ancient Woodland. It is considered that there is unlikely to be significant affects upon these areas.
- The proposals are not unusually complex and do not pose potentially hazardous environmental effects. Indeed the intention of the scheme is to reduce our reliance on energy generated in such a manner.
Accordingly it is considered that that the proposals do not constitute EIA development and would not require an Environmental Statement to be submitted with a planning application for the scheme.
However not everyone agrees with the developers. The Teignbridge District Council Landscape Officer says that:
The proposal has the potential for a significant effect on the setting of Mamhead park and house and for this reason I suggest should require an EIA.
The Teignbridge District Council Conservation Officer says:
I am certain that the site would be likely to be conspicuous change to the rural landscape setting that the building and Registered park currently enjoys. I would at this stage express concerns about these proposals.
Natural England say that:
We have checked our records and based on the information provided, we can confirm that the application site is within 1.5km of the Exe Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Protection Area (SPA) and Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention (Ramsar Site). It is also within 2.5km of Dawlish Warren SSSI and Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Having considered the information provided, Natural England is concerned that the proposed development could have significant direct and indirect impacts upon the aforementioned designated sites, consequently we advise that an EIA is likely to be required.
Whether any of these concerns result in an Environmental Impact Assessment actually taking place remains to be seen. What concerns me is that the Cofford Farm site is on grade 2 agricultural land. Maybe that fact will be mentioned eventually?
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