
October 30, 2012

US Nuclear Plants Issue "Alerts" Following Sandy Storm Surge

Last summer we speculated about what might happen if the winds and/or storm surge from Hurricane Irene happened to hit the Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina head on. As luck would have it Irene weakened and veered to the north, but did she did go on to cause the shut down of the Oyster Creek nuclear reactor in New Jersey, amongst numerous other problems.

More on US Nuclear Plants Issue "Alerts" Following Sandy Storm Surge

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Sandy "Plunges New York City Into Darkness"

Hurricane Sandy turned sharp left as (ultimately) predicted, and crossed the eastern coast of the United States last night rather earlier than anticipated earlier in the day. Advisory bulletins on "Post-tropical Cyclone Sandy" are now being issued by the HPC instead of the NHC. Their first one says that:

More on Sandy "Plunges New York City Into Darkness"

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October 29, 2012

Sandy Predicted to Morph Into a Post-Tropical Cyclone

Monday morning has dawned, and it's raining again here in not so sunny South West England. Over on the other side of the Atlantic the news about Hurricane Sandy hasn't improved overnight.  Here's how the latest National Hurricane Center prediction looks at the moment:

More on Sandy Predicted to Morph Into a Post-Tropical Cyclone

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October 28, 2012

Storm Surge Shuts the Subway in New York

Much as we did last year as Hurricane Irene bore down on New York City, we hereby present the surf forecast for the entrance to New York Bay, courtesy of MagicSeaweed:

MagicSeaweed surf forecast for The Cove on Monday October 29th 2012

MagicSeaweed surf forecast for The Cove on Monday October 29th 2012

More on Storm Surge Shuts the Subway in New York

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October 27, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Morphs Into The Bride of Frankenstorm

Since we first reported on Hurricane Sandy she slightly surprisingly left the north coast of Cuba as a category 2 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 105 mph. According to Associated Press she then:

More on Hurricane Sandy Morphs Into The Bride of Frankenstorm

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October 24, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Heads for Jamaica

In the most recent bulletin from the United States' National Hurricane Center, they report that:


Here's the latest forecast track for Hurricane Sandy:

More on Hurricane Sandy Heads for Jamaica

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September 21, 2012

Why Should I Care Where The Arctic Sea Ice Went?

The United States' National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC for short) has just issued a press release about the amount of ice in the Arctic at the moment. You may be wondering why on Earth that is relevant to you, but please bear with me as I endeavour to explain, with the help of a few videos. Here's the first one which shows summer 2012 in Sidmouth, a seaside town down here on the not so sunny south coast of Devon:

More on Why Should I Care Where The Arctic Sea Ice Went?

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August 29, 2012

Hurricane Isaac Hovers Near New Orleans

It's been strengthening very slowly, but at 11:20 AM CDT yesterday Isaac was officially declared to have become a category 1 hurricane. Whilst still a mere tropical storm, here's what it did to Haiti a few short days ago:

More on Hurricane Isaac Hovers Near New Orleans

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August 23, 2012

Hurricane Isaac Heads for Haiti

Officially Isaac is still only a tropical storm. However according to the latest public advisory bulletin from the United States National Hurricane Centre:



More on Hurricane Isaac Heads for Haiti

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October 11, 2011

Hurricane Jova to Pound Tourists and Mexico's Biggest Container Port

Unfortunately the weekend's forecast for the future of Hurricane Jova seems to be have been quite accurate. According to Reuters this morning:

Jova will make landfall on Tuesday afternoon or evening to the northwest of Manzanillo near the resort towns of Melaque and Barra de Navidad, on a stretch of coast dotted with beaches south of Puerto Vallarta.

More on Hurricane Jova to Pound Tourists and Mexico's Biggest Container Port

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