
February 26, 2015

Further Flooding Forecast for SW England

Following on from the floods earlier in the week another "super swell" is now heading in our direction from the North Atlantic.

Here's the Magic Seaweed surf forecast for 3 PM this afternoon (February 26th 2015):

More on Further Flooding Forecast for SW England

Filed under Climate by

August 22, 2012

Proposed 40 Acre Solar Park near Beaford Seeks Planning Permission

Wessex Solar Energy have applied to Torridge District Council for planning permission to construct what they call the "Beaford Brook Solar Park". The proposed solar farm will occupy 16.4 Ha of land at Upcott Barton near Beaford. According to the design and access statement it is designed to produce 5 MW of electrical power using:

More on Proposed 40 Acre Solar Park near Beaford Seeks Planning Permission

Filed under Renewables by