My title today is a quote from John Barrett, who is Professor of Sustainability Research at the University of Leeds. You can listen to him saying those words near the end of this extract from the Paul Hudson Weather Show originally broadcast by BBC Regional Radio across the North of England on May 25th 2014, shortly after John gave a presentation at the Transformational Climate Science conference at the University of Exeter:
More on The Two Degree Target Is Close To Impossible
Tags: BBC, CO2, Exeter, IPCC, Jack Meegan, John Barrett, Leeds, Mat Collins, Met Office, Paul Hudson, Peter Cox, TCS, Videos
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
The videos from the Transformational Climate Science conference at Exeter University are still not yet available, but on Monday May 19th the Met Office hosted another climate change conference, this time in London. This one was held in conjunction with the Walker Institute at the University of Reading and the Grantham Institute for Climate change at Imperial College London, and was entitled "Climate change – the latest evidence and implications for business". As the title suggests, the audience this time around consisted of businesspeople instead of climate scientists. Some of the speakers from Exeter had headed up to London to speak about all things IPCC for the second time in a week, and those proceedings are already available on video at the Climasphere web site.
More on Climate Change – The Latest Evidence and Implications
Tags: Chris Field, Grantham Institute, IPCC, Jim Skea, Julia Slingo, Met Office, Nigel Arnell, Stephen Belcher, TCS, Temperature, UKCP09, Walker Institute, WG1, WGII, WGIII
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt
Last week the University of Exeter hosted a two day conference organised in partnership with the Met Office and the University of Leeds, under the banner of "Transformational Climate Science". According to the conference's "About" page:
More on Transformational Climate Science at Exeter University
Tags: AR5, Catherine Mitchell, Energy Security, Exeter Uni, Greens, IPCC, Leeds Uni, Mitigation, Molly Scott Cato, MOOC, Neil Adger, Peter Gibbs, TCS, Tim Lenton, Videos, WGIII
Filed under Climate by Jim Hunt