The UK National Farmers Union

April 6, 2013

Spring Has Sprung. What Else Is News?

It was a nice sunny day today in South Devon, for the first time in a very long time. Here's some proof:

Blue skies and still waters at The Turf Locks on April 6th 2013

Blue skies and still waters at The Turf Locks on April 6th 2013

More on Spring Has Sprung. What Else Is News?

Filed under Climate by

January 25, 2013

Food Production Fears Over Devon Solar Farms

BBC Devon report today that:

A countryside group has raised concerns about Devon farmland being taken out of food production for solar farms.

The "countryside group" the BBC is referring to is in fact The Campaign to Protect Rural England. According to the BBC, Penny Mills from the CPRE has said that:

More on Food Production Fears Over Devon Solar Farms

Filed under Renewables by

July 11, 2012

3000 Dairy Farmers Protest in Westminster

Earlier today a total of around 3000 dairy farmers from around the country got onto a variety of trains and buses for a day trip to London.

According to the Manchester Guardian:

More on 3000 Dairy Farmers Protest in Westminster

Filed under Activism by