
Isca Dumnoniorum – Roman Exeter

July 10, 2012

Liquid Metal Technology, Ancient and Modern

Here's the video I was endeavouring to bring to the attention of the Teignbridge District Council planning committee yesterday. As I pointed out to them:

In it an MIT professor spends 15 minutes going over many of the vitally important issues in a way I will be unable to do in 5 minutes at Forde House.

More on Liquid Metal Technology, Ancient and Modern

Filed under Engineering by

June 22, 2012

An Open Request for Planning Advice

Friday 22nd June 2012


Jeremy Ebdon – Teignbridge DC Planning Department
Brendan Clarke – Lightsource Renewable Energy

Dear Sirs,

My continued requests for information from the Teignbridge District Council planning department have so far elicited no response from the officer dealing with the Bowhay Farm Solar PV project. As I am sure you must be aware, time is of the essence in these matters. I would be extremely grateful if somebody could get back to me as soon as possible to answer a few queries I have after reading all the documentation available online concerning the SO application.

More on An Open Request for Planning Advice

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