June 22, 2012
An Open Request for Planning Advice
Friday 22nd June 2012
Jeremy Ebdon – Teignbridge DC Planning Department
Brendan Clarke – Lightsource Renewable Energy
Dear Sirs,
My continued requests for information from the Teignbridge District Council planning department have so far elicited no response from the officer dealing with the Bowhay Farm Solar PV project. As I am sure you must be aware, time is of the essence in these matters. I would be extremely grateful if somebody could get back to me as soon as possible to answer a few queries I have after reading all the documentation available online concerning the SO application.
If you've had a chance to read my blog you'll know that I'm very interested in planning issues both ancient and modern. Ever since I was informed that some Samian ware had been unearthed in my back garden I've wondered what route or routes the ancient Romans might have taken on their forays westwards over the Haldon Hills from Isca Dumnoniorum. I've also wondered what local landscape features Roman planners might have taken into consideration when deciding where best to locate their signal stations. If modern day planning experts can throw any light on these ancient conundrums I'd be delighted to hear their opinions on that topic also.
Best Regards,
Jim Hunt
Smart Grid Consultant
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I phoned Teignbridge DC yet again. Jeremy was in yet another meeting. I raised my voice a fraction and shortly thereafter Jeremy came out of his meeting and we had a long and fruitful discussion. Thanks very much for doing that Jeremy.
One thing that struck me though, was that when I pointed out that I was Teignbridge's local smart grid consultant Jeremy had no idea what I was talking about. That's not his fault, but nonetheless it's where we're at, over here in Teignbridge at least.