Public Service Enterprise Group

October 30, 2012

US Nuclear Plants Issue "Alerts" Following Sandy Storm Surge

Last summer we speculated about what might happen if the winds and/or storm surge from Hurricane Irene happened to hit the Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina head on. As luck would have it Irene weakened and veered to the north, but did she did go on to cause the shut down of the Oyster Creek nuclear reactor in New Jersey, amongst numerous other problems.

More on US Nuclear Plants Issue "Alerts" Following Sandy Storm Surge

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Sandy "Plunges New York City Into Darkness"

Hurricane Sandy turned sharp left as (ultimately) predicted, and crossed the eastern coast of the United States last night rather earlier than anticipated earlier in the day. Advisory bulletins on "Post-tropical Cyclone Sandy" are now being issued by the HPC instead of the NHC. Their first one says that:

More on Sandy "Plunges New York City Into Darkness"

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