Orta Solar

February 12, 2014

Rydon Farm Solar Park Approved by Teignbridge DC

At the Teignbridge District Council planning committee meeting held on January 13th Orta Solar's application to construct a 12 MW large scale solar PV park at Rydon Farm between Newton Abbot and Totnes was approved by 17 votes to 2. I had an online debate about some of the issues with Nick Pascoe of Orta last year, when Teignbridge's screening decision was announced. I referred to my opposition to the construction of solar farms on what the planners call "our best and most versatile agricultural land", and some of the objectors in this case used that argument too. Nick assured me that in this case:

More on Rydon Farm Solar Park Approved by Teignbridge DC

Filed under Renewables by

July 1, 2013

No EIA Required for the Rydon Farm Solar Park

Teignbridge District Council have today decided that no Environmental Impact Assessment will be needed for proposals to build two large scale solar PV arrays either side of Rydon Farm near Ogwell. Their decision letter is addressed to Orta Solar, although the "pre-application enquiry" also mentioned Steadfast Solar Limited. In it Teignbridge's case officer states that:

More on No EIA Required for the Rydon Farm Solar Park

Filed under Renewables by