October 23, 2010
Haiti Hit by Cholera Outbreak
Unfortunately it's not unexpected, but the BBC reports today that 196 people have already died in an outbreak of cholera in Haiti:
2,634 people have been hospitalised in the central Artibonite and Central Plateau regions by the illness, which causes diarrhoea, acute fever, vomiting and severe dehydration.
There are fears the outbreak could reach camps housing the survivors of January's quake in Port-au-Prince.
I say it's not unexpected, because when people exist in the conditions that many have had to endure since the start of the rainy season in Haiti then it's really only a matter of time.
For the most up date information I suggest you read the Twitter feed of Haitian hotel owner and musician Richard Morse in preference to the mainstream news media.
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There are now confirmed reports of cases of cholera inside Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti.
As Hurricane Tomas drenches Haiti, the BBC reports that the death toll from the cholera epidemic has reached 442.