December 7, 2011

Exeter Quakers Support Occupy Exeter

Exeter Quakers by Jem Southam

Exeter Quakers by Jem Southam

On Monday December 5th Exeter Quakers issued a press release. Here it is in full:

Exeter Quakers express their support for the occupation on Cathedral Green

Exeter Quakers support the peaceful protest on cathedral green and share Occupy Exeter’s concern for global economic justice and sustainability.

‘We agree that our current economic system is unsustainable and that the world’s resources should go towards caring for people and the planet, rather than the military or corporate profits. We are impressed by the peaceful nature of the occupation on Cathedral Green and are glad that the cathedral authorities have not made any attempt to evict the campers. We hope this co-operation continues’ said Alison Mitchell, Clerk of Exeter Quaker Meeting.

‘Those of us from Exeter Quaker Meeting who have visited the camp have been welcomed and have respect for the way it is run. Everyone’s voice is heard before decisions are taken; there is no hierarchy and no one leader. This is similar to the way Quaker business is conducted. The process initiated by the Occupy movement, both in Exeter and beyond, is helping to create a path towards a more democratic and egalitarian future’ said Gerald Conyngham, Assistant Clerk.

Quakers have a long tradition of struggling for social justice, equality and simplicity, including involvement in the campaign against slavery and against all forms of violence, including opposition to nuclear weapons. Locally in Exeter, Quakers are trying to live in a more sustainable way both as individuals and as a meeting.

Exeter Quaker Meeting House is in Wynards Lane; we meet at 10.30 on Sunday mornings: everyone is welcome to join us.

It seems that none of the media organisations contacted by Exeter Quakers have thus far felt this news to be worthy of comment or publication.

This isn't the first time, that begs to differ.

P.S. We've now also recorded an interview with Alison Mitchell from Exeter Quakers. Here she explains why they support the peaceful protest by Occupy Exeter on Exeter Cathedral Green.

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